Tuesday, 20 February 2018

Visual Storytelling Is Gaining Massive Popularity

Gone are the days when text content used to be the only source of advertising. Over the past decade, the marketing and advertising industry have massively shifted to visual storytelling. This shift has resulted in the generation of affordable marketing opportunities for both small and big businesses. Website development company in India try to move towards web-oriented marketing strategies which have increased the importance of visual storytelling in creating a brand image for businesses.

web development outsourcing company

So, what is visual storytelling?

Needless to mention that images and videos are much more engaging than words. In short, a well-written piece of content can be influential but images and videos possess the power to change opinions in web development. A well prepared visual storytelling idea exudes authenticity. It has the ability to convey your message from a realistic and believable point of view.
Visual storytelling improves the engagement rate by giving heat to major emotions and make the audience feel connected to the content.

A psychologically driven approach

The primary key to run a successful business is to know your potential customers and clients and understand what are the things which are appealing for them? Here you need to consider the fact that humans believe more on visuals then verbal. Generally, they make decisions on the basis of what they feel rather than on what they think. Due to this fact, it completely makes sense that visuals are more effective tools then written content.

Facts that aide Visual Storytelling:
  • When it comes to brand message reception a human mind can retain only 10% of the advertisements published in words whereas the total reception of a human mind is more than 60% if it is in a visual storytelling format.
  • People tend to remember only 10% of things what they hear, 20% of the things what they read and almost 80% of the things what they see.
  • Whatever a human learns, 83% of the learning is based on what they see.
  • The processing rate of visuals is 60,000 times more than that of reading.
  • 40% people respond better to visuals much more than they do to texts.
  • When you talk about active brain 50% of the human brain is active when a person is trying to process a visual.
  • 90% human communication is supposed to be non-verbal.
  • The best and most important of all can be said that 90% of information transmitted to the brain is Visual.

So keeping all these points in mind, it is easy to say that Visual Storytelling is much better than normal advertisements.

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